I Started Out With Nothing and I've Still Got Most Of It Left!

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Well, I've finished my first week in the new job and...I'm knackered! Yes, after being out of work for a year, (practically to the day), I can safely say the only good thing about working again is the payslip, accompanied by the actual money too that is, not much good without the wonger. I did not miss getting up in the wee, dark hours of the morning, tripping over my sleepy feet on the way to a wash and scrub, no but now, (unlike my previous job), I have to cope with the sodding rush hour traffic.

I have nothing against driving, I like it and I like cars in fact, on the old hush, hush, I'm a bit of a petrol head. The problem is that there are other people on the road and, these people are at their worse during the rush hour. Indication...where?? Curtsy...frecking missing! It can be a bit unnerving and occasionally dangerous; in the my first week of coping with driving to and from work there were two accidents, (that I know of) and no, I was neither the course or, involved thank you very much!

I can't say that I like my new job, I can't say I like the people I have to work with but heck, that's life and the fact I, at last, have a job means I have to shut up and deal with it. In these sorry times, a blighter can not afford to be fussy as there are a, ever, growing amount of people who have nothing and loosing that! On that thought I'll hand you over to the wise Seasick Steve...