When A Child Is Born.

Monday, 22 December 2008

I am not a religious person - if I was to admit to any believe, any faith, than it would be the believe in logic and the faith in common sense.

So, the whole Jesus thing...lets try applying some logic and sense to this. Firstly, we have to take the story of Jesus down to bare bones that is, strip away the religious aspects and view it as a simple tale about a person.
There is no reason why a carpenter called Joseph and his wife Mary could not have a child equally, no reason why that child couldn't be a boy who they named Jesus. That makes sense it's completely believable. Now, here come a couple of problems firstly the fact Mary was supposed to be a virgin. That's a big-un, I mean biological that is impossible, a virgin can not give birth, (21st century medicine may argue that), the whole pregnant thing requires nay, DEMANDS male participation and if that wasn't important enough a woman giving birth er, unbroken, (lacking a more medical phrase), would hurt...somewhat.

Secondly - God. This is a HUGE issue if you don't believe in him, (I use 'him' to simplify things), because he has a big part in this as Jesus is in fact, supposed to be his biological son, flesh of his flesh, blood of his blood and all that. That means Joseph is not, actually, the father of Jesus more like a stand in as God can't really be 'on-hand'. This is all fine if you are a believer and good for you if you are because that is a lot to believe in. Unfortunately neither of these 'problems' have any sense or logic to them which, after all, is the whole point of faith. Having faith means you can get over this lack of sense and logic, you bypass all that because your faith means you can believe that Jesus could be born of a virgin mother and, that God is his true father.

If I go back to the bare bones, if I view Jesus as the son of a carpenter and his wife than I can believe. This is good because than I can harbour the notion that this child grew up, that he went on to do good things maybe not miracles, (what would have qualified as a miracle in those times I wonder?), that he tried to encourage people to be better. There's sense in that, it's possible because people do, sometimes, do good things, people do try to help others be better. Yes, I can do that, I can believe that a carpenters son tried to make things better, it's entirely logically and I can sign up for that!

So, for those of you humbugging the whole Jesus notion, just try it my way - take out the whole religious point of view and try and see him as a man who tried to make things better.

Happy Christmas and here's hoping for a better New Year for us all.